Request for Continuing Staff

I hereby request approval for the continuation of the following staff personnel in accordance with the provisions set forth in Manual ¶159.1-159.2:

All local paid or unpaid associates who provide specialized ministry within the context of the local church and enter into a relationship of vocational ministry within the church, including directors of childcare/schools (birth through secondary), shall be elected by the church board, having been nominated by the pastor. All nominations must have prior approval in writing by the district superintendent, who shall respond within 15 days after receipt of the request.

The employment of such associates shall be for no more than one year and may be renewed upon recommendation of the pastor with the prior written approval of the district superintendent and the favorable vote of the church board…

Manual 159.1-159.2


Please complete the form below. You will receive a confirmation Email after submission.  If the District Superintendent has any questions, we will contact you for further information.


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